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French champagne makers bid to protect seasonal workers from abuse
French champagne producers are looking to restore their damaged reputations after four workers died last year amid hot weather, as authorities closed squalid housing and launched probes into suspected human trafficking.

Outdated rules, limited metro collide for 'unbearable' Athens gridlock
Straining to squeeze his taxi between two hulking trucks blocking an Athens street, 66-year-old cabbie Damianos says he's never seen traffic congestion in the Greek capital this bad.

Fashion's fun 'Frankenstein' flies after Olympic triumph
"The fashion world likes everything to be slick, but I'm a bit like Dr. Frankenstein, experimenting all the time with little bits and bobs," said Kevin Germanier, the young Swiss designer who created the Golden Voyager costume for the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

Volkswagen crisis pits homegrown leaders against each other
Volkswagen managers and workers representatives will start crunch talks in Hanover on Wednesday, following the German group's announcement that drastic cost-cutting measures are needed to keep the carmaker competitive.

Princess Zelda takes the lead in 'Echoes of Wisdom'
Princess Zelda will shed her role as damsel in distress to play the heroine for the first time in the nearly four-decade history of the Nintendo fantasy series named after her.

Asian markets boosted again after another Chinese rate cut
Most Asian markets built on a global rally Wednesday as China announced another interest rate cut the day after unveiling a series of measures to boost the country's ailing economy.

China cuts another key interest rate to boost economy
China's central bank on Wednesday said it would slash another key interest rate, a day after it unveiled a raft of new measures aimed at boosting its ailing economy.

Asylum seeker lifts South Korea hopes at Homeless World Cup
Fleeing civil war in his home country Cameroon, Fossi Wandji found himself stuck in Incheon airport terminal for a year when his attempt at obtaining asylum from South Korea was rejected.

UK foreign minister Lammy seeks 'strongest position' for Ukraine
British foreign minister David Lammy said Tuesday he was working to put Ukraine in the "strongest position" in its war with Russia ahead of the winter months.

New York area port prepares for possible US strike disruption
New York area shipping officials urged customers to immediately retrieve their cargo ahead of a possible strike next week which would impact major US ports, according to a letter released Tuesday.

US Congress calls on Novo Nordisk to lower drug prices
The boss of the Danish pharmaceutical giant behind the blockbuster diabetes and weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy promised Tuesday to examine lowering their prices in the United States, after coming under pressure from Congress.

Stock markets advance on China stimulus
Stock markets and oil prices rallied Tuesday after China's central bank unveiled fresh stimulus measures to kickstart growth in the world's number two economy.

AI research uncovers 300 ancient etchings in Peru's Nazca desert
Japanese scientists have used artificial intelligence to uncover 303 new etchings in Peru's Nazca desert -- doubling the amount of known geoglyphs made some 2,000 years ago by a pre-Inca civilization.

Multiple arrests after US woman uses machine-assisted suicide in Switzerland
Swiss police said Tuesday they arrested several people after a US woman used a controversial suicide pod to end her life.

Stock markets surge on China stimulus
Stock markets and oil prices rallied Tuesday after China's central bank unveiled fresh stimulus measures to kickstart growth in the world's number two economy.

US Fed dissenter warns inflation risks remain 'prominent'
The sole Federal Reserve official not to support last week's large interest rate cut said Tuesday that the risks of inflation reigniting remained "prominent."

Asian stock markets lead rally on China stimulus
Stock markets and oil prices rallied Tuesday after China's central bank unveiled fresh stimulus measures to kickstart growth in the world's number two economy.

France facing 'one of worst deficits' in its history: minister
France now has "one of the worst" public deficits in its modern history, the newly-installed economy minister said Tuesday, confirming new taxes on the wealthy and big businesses are on the table to get finances back in order.

Postbank (Постбанк) анулює рахунки українців у Німеччині
Останніми роками Postbank - Постбанк привертає все більше критики з боку клієнтів та організацій із захисту прав споживачів. Багато клієнтів скаржаться на довгі черги у відділеннях і телефоном, неналежне обслуговування та технічні проблеми з онлайн-банкінгом.Нещодавно стало відомо, що Postbank все частіше закриває рахунки громадян України, які втекли від війни в терористичній державі Росія до Федеративної Республіки Німеччина та отримують допомогу від центру зайнятості, відповідно до абзацу 1 пункту 19 Загальних положень та умов Postbank. Це положення дозволяє Postbank розірвати ділові відносини з клієнтами за умови попередження за два місяці без пояснення причин.Захисники прав споживачів та постраждалі клієнти висловлюють занепокоєння щодо прозорості та справедливості такої практики. Вони критикують той факт, що несподіване закриття рахунків може призвести до значних незручностей, особливо якщо воно відбувається без детального обґрунтування. Для багатьох клієнтів закриття рахунку означає не лише організаційні зусилля, але й потенційні фінансові втрати.У зв'язку із закриттям Постбанком рахунків українських громадян у журналіста-спостерігача виникла підозра, що Постбанк, вочевидь, хоче позбутися так званих збиткових клієнтів за допомогою такого закриття рахунків. Дискусія про практику анулювання рахунків «Постбанку» негативно висвітлює важливість чітких і справедливих умов у банківському секторі.

Postbank (Постбанк) анулює рахунки українців у Німеччині
Останніми роками Postbank - Постбанк привертає все більше критики з боку клієнтів та організацій із захисту прав споживачів. Багато клієнтів скаржаться на довгі черги у відділеннях і телефоном, неналежне обслуговування та технічні проблеми з онлайн-банкінгом.Нещодавно стало відомо, що Postbank все частіше закриває рахунки громадян України, які втекли від війни в терористичній державі Росія до Федеративної Республіки Німеччина та отримують допомогу від центру зайнятості, відповідно до абзацу 1 пункту 19 Загальних положень та умов Postbank. Це положення дозволяє Postbank розірвати ділові відносини з клієнтами за умови попередження за два місяці без пояснення причин.Захисники прав споживачів та постраждалі клієнти висловлюють занепокоєння щодо прозорості та справедливості такої практики. Вони критикують той факт, що несподіване закриття рахунків може призвести до значних незручностей, особливо якщо воно відбувається без детального обґрунтування. Для багатьох клієнтів закриття рахунку означає не лише організаційні зусилля, але й потенційні фінансові втрати.У зв'язку із закриттям Постбанком рахунків українських громадян у журналіста-спостерігача виникла підозра, що Постбанк, вочевидь, хоче позбутися так званих збиткових клієнтів за допомогою такого закриття рахунків. Дискусія про практику анулювання рахунків «Постбанку» негативно висвітлює важливість чітких і справедливих умов у банківському секторі.

Postbank terminates accounts of Ukrainians in Germany
Recently, the Postbank has increasingly attracted criticism from customers and consumer advocates. Many customers complain about long waiting times in branches and on the phone, inadequate customer service and technical problems with online banking.It has recently been revealed that Postbank is increasingly terminating the accounts of Ukrainian citizens who fled to the Federal Republic of Germany from the war waged by Russia, the state of terror, and who receive benefits from the job centre, in accordance with No. 19 (1) of Postbank's General Terms and Conditions. This clause allows Postbank to terminate business relationships with customers by giving two months' notice without stating reasons.Consumer advocates and affected customers have expressed concerns about the transparency and fairness of this practice. They criticize the fact that unexpected account closures can cause considerable inconvenience, especially if they are carried out without detailed justification. For many customers, the closure of their account not only means organizational effort, but also potential financial disadvantages.Regarding these account closures of Ukrainian citizens by Postbank, the journalistic observer is led to suspect that Postbank apparently wants to get rid of so-called unprofitable customers with these account closures. The debate about Postbank's termination practice casts a negative spotlight on the importance of clear and fair terms and conditions in the banking sector.

Postbank terminates accounts of Ukrainians in Germany
Recently, the Postbank has increasingly attracted criticism from customers and consumer advocates. Many customers complain about long waiting times in branches and on the phone, inadequate customer service and technical problems with online banking.It has recently been revealed that Postbank is increasingly terminating the accounts of Ukrainian citizens who fled to the Federal Republic of Germany from the war waged by Russia, the state of terror, and who receive benefits from the job centre, in accordance with No. 19 (1) of Postbank's General Terms and Conditions. This clause allows Postbank to terminate business relationships with customers by giving two months' notice without stating reasons.Consumer advocates and affected customers have expressed concerns about the transparency and fairness of this practice. They criticize the fact that unexpected account closures can cause considerable inconvenience, especially if they are carried out without detailed justification. For many customers, the closure of their account not only means organizational effort, but also potential financial disadvantages.Regarding these account closures of Ukrainian citizens by Postbank, the journalistic observer is led to suspect that Postbank apparently wants to get rid of so-called unprofitable customers with these account closures. The debate about Postbank's termination practice casts a negative spotlight on the importance of clear and fair terms and conditions in the banking sector.

Dutch paint giant Akzonobel slashes 2,000 jobs worldwide
AkzoNobel, the world's leading paintmaker and manufacturer of Dulux paint, said Tuesday it was cutting 2,000 jobs globally, more than five percent of its workforce, as it strives to cut costs.

Trump slams early voting, even while urging Pennsylvanians to do so
Donald Trump dismissed early voting Monday as "stupid" but nevertheless encouraged voters in Pennsylvania to cast ballots as soon as possible, as he vowed if elected US president to repel a migrant "invasion" of the battleground state.

China unveils fresh stimulus to boost ailing economy
China's central bank on Tuesday unveiled a raft of measures to boost the country's struggling economy as it battles a prolonged property sector debt crisis, continued deflationary pressure and high youth unemployment.

China unveils fresh stimulus to boost economy
China's central bank on Tuesday unveiled a raft of measures to boost the country's struggling economy, cutting the amount of cash banks must hold in reserve and lowering a key interest rate.

Israeli economy struggles under weight of Gaza war
Nearly a year of war in Gaza has battered Israel's economy, and poverty is now threatening communities including in areas far removed from the fighting against Hamas.

Union says new Boeing pay offer 'missed the mark'
Union negotiators slammed Boeing's new offer to lift hourly wages for striking workers by 30 percent on Monday, saying it "missed the mark" and won't be voted on by members.

Environmental groups urge EU 'high risk' label for Sarawak
Environmental and rights groups urged the European Union Tuesday to label Malaysia's Sarawak region "high risk" under controversial new anti-deforestation rules to be implemented from the end of December.

'Lead the future': youth challenge world leaders at UN
Fired up by their desire for change, Alaine, Maria, Emmanuel and Areej are speaking up for young people ahead of the UN's annual diplomatic bonanza in New York.

Goosebumps and stars as Paris Fashion Week kicks off
Hollywood stars braved the rain to open Paris Fashion Week at L'Oreal's giant outdoor show Monday as rumours swirl of musical chairs at the top of fabled French brands.

Boeing boosts pay offer in effort to end strike
Boeing proposed lifting hourly wages for striking workers by 30 percent on Monday, sweetening its initial offer in an effort to end a 10-day stoppage that shuttered Seattle-area plants.